Our Board of Trustees consists of 12 individuals, equally representing as many segments of the turfgrass industry fields as feasible, more specifically golf courses, sports turf, lawn and landscape, parks and recreation, sod growers, commercial vendors, and Iowa State University Turfgrass faculty. These individuals donate their time, effort and energy

Doug Krantz
D & K Products

Jason Koester, CGCS
Iowa SFMA Representative
Grinnell College
Jamie Hageman
IPLCA Representative
Green Lawn

Dr. Quincy Law
Academic Representative
Iowa State University

Brian Abels
Iowa GCSA Representative
Ames Golf & Country Club

Neric Smith
At-Large Representative
Indian Hills Community College

Matt Kruse
IPLCA Representative
ULTRALawn, Inc.

Dr. Adam Thoms
Academic Representative
Iowa State University

Elliott Josephson
Iowa SFMA Representative
Prairie Ridge Sports Complex
Patrick Wynja
Iowa GCSA Representative
Homewood Golf Course

Darrin Johnson
The Andersons